Rhynchosporium secalis
Rhynchosporium secalis (Oudem.) Davis – gatunek grzybów z klasy patyczniaków (Helotiales). U zbóż i niektórych traw wywołuje chorobę o nazwie rynchosporioza zbóż. No sexual stage is known.
The mycelium is hyaline to light gray and develops sparsely as a compact stroma under the cuticle of the . Mit der Wahl von resistenten Sorten, mit geeigneten Kulturmassnahmen oder Fungiziden kann die . S ribosomal RNA gene and internal transcribed.
Markers and Differential Isolates. Bjørnstad A, Patil V, Tekauz A, Marøy AG, Skinnes H, Jensen A, Magnus H, Mackey J. First symptoms frequently occur at the junction of the blade and ligule where water is retained. Infection at this point may result in the death of the leaf. Symptoms are first evident as a pale olive-green or grey, . HauptfleischÜber den Einfluss von Saatbeizmitteln auf das Auftreten von Marssonina graminicola an der Gerste.
Nachrichtenblatt für den deutschen Pflanzenschutzdienst. All isolates from barley, and one each from Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. Common name, Barley scald fungus.
Other names, › leaf blotch of barley. BartelsStudien über Marssonina graminicola. Scald attacks especially barley and rye. The worst attacks occur in winter barley.
In case of severe attacks yield losses can amount to. The colour later turns greyish-white (scalded) with a clearly purple or dark brown edge. The fungus is a necrotrophic pathogen which survives in stubble, seeds and weeds. Mycological Research, 94: 557–560.
In: Fungal diseases of agricultural crops in Kyrgyzstan. Clemson University - USDA Cooperative Extension Slide Series. Long-term forecast of scald in the North-West Region of Ukraine. Primary inoculum includes conidia produced on crop debris, infected seeds and possibly ascospores, although . Sixty-three isolates of diverse geographical origin within Syria were analyzed for pathogenicity and variability of genomic DNA through random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. The isolates were highly variable and unique . Davis from various hosts show at least two degrees of host specialisation.
All of four isolates from . Davis, in one population of North-West region were examined. Seventy-eight isolates, the causal agent of scal were taken from infected rye plants.
This isolates were analalysed on rate of growth on artificial test medium, structure and color .
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